Underground Film Organisation -- nothing to do with flying saucers!

An alternative view of history, politics, and current events. Citing independent and citizen journalism, investigative reporting, alternative news, and social media sources.

Political News

Ealing Council Spies on Residents' Bins

U.S. Government Charity Website Confiscates Personal Data

Government, Police Spying on Public: More Big Brother

Global Domination is on the doorstep!

Mandatory drug testing to enter pubs

Swine Flu: An excuse to retain information of you

Shadow Government and population control

The Obama deception

Who's who in the New World Order

Food News

Animal Cruelty and the horrors of meat production

GM Food: Who really stands to benefit?

Hydrogenated vegetable oil: Trans Fats

Aspartame: Sweet poison

How tasty foods change the brain: A radio report on NPR Radio in America


About UFO Media

Underground Film Organisation (UFO) is a small but growing network of people who stand for freedom and fairness. We are not interested in the "left/right paradigm" as we are politically neutral. We are not a religious organisation, nor are we in any way extremists. We intelligently analyse and try to make sense of information and news gained from such sources as independent media, citizen journalism, alternative news sources and other concerned citizens who are paying attention to what's happening in the world today.

UFO began as a simple conversation between friends in the summer of 2008. A suggestion was made that it might be a fun idea to start a "film club" as it were, only the content of the films would be of a politically controversial nature. I'm not sure any of us knew quite what films we were going to show, or where the concept for a "film club" would lead. We, three blokes, decided to arrange an informal meeting down the pub to discuss matters further. Strangely enough, we were joined by two others from wider circles of friends who expressed an interest in what we were proposing. Things swiftly evolved. We booked a conference room at a hotel where we decided we would conduct the first public film showing. Despite the small turnout, it was reasonably successful. We have conducted meetings on a monthly basis ever since. We've had our ups and downs but things seem to be growing and evolving all the time.

We may not agree with all the news and information we gather, but we openly listen to what is presented in order to form our own informed opinions and decisions. We invite you to join us in this quest!

Plans for UFO Media

We are currently looking at the possibility of making our own documentaries. We already have most of the necessary tools at our disposal, it's just a matter of timing and a bit more funding. The majority of documentaries / short films about scandals and conspiracies within industry and government originate from the US. This is simply because America is a much bigger country with a bigger government and bigger industry. Our aim is to create films which address issues relevant to the British public.

This Month's Feature

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